
Inexpensive house created out of shipping containers

The house you are going to see next cost only 40.000 American dollars. It was made out of two disregarded shipping containers and is everything that its owners dreamt of.

For the two owners, Gabriela Calvo and Marco Peralta is was important that they could live in aa natural landscape where they could be with their horses and enjoy the spectacular views. 

So, the architect Benjamin Garcia from Saxe Architecture came up wit this idea of a house made out of shipping containers.

“It was important for me to provide them with the sunrise, the sunset, the spectacular views, and overall try and create a feeling of comfort and home. A roof between the two containers, made from the scrap pieces of metal taken to make the windows, not only creates an internal sensation of openness but also provides a cross ventilation sufficient enough to never have to turn the air conditioning on," said the architect.

This house is the proof that design is one of the strongest tools of 21st century, that can provide beauty and comfort on a budget.

Location: San Jose, Costa Rica

Photo credits: Andres Garcia Lachner

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