
Desolation in the crowd

The artists are: Alina Manole, Corina Sarbu, Cornelia Gherlan, Daniela Zbarcea, Daniel Craciun, Eugen Vasile Iovan, Florica Andreescu, Mirela Iordache, Nadina Pascariu and Valeria Diaconu The exhibition will be opened between 25 February -15 March.

The exhibition marks the second anniversary of the pilot of Danaartgallery.ro,  “Connecting by art”

The loneliness and the isolation are distinct terms. As a matter of fact, the word has no contrary. Being part of a group, assembly or crowd presumes coordinating, subordinating or statistical relations, by no means the suppression of a supposable loneliness. Evaluating how much we are connected to our townsmen, the people around us in the tube or our colleagues, is a matter of nuance. It is a hole other issue if we may attach loneliness to mineral, vegetal or animal kingdom. Assuming that loneliness it’s not a time, neither a place, but a state, it can be, if not described, at least observed beyond quibbling and revealed through a pictograph. The thematic exhibition Loneliness in Crowd investigates the various connections between the individual element and the gregarious body, between identity unit and definiendum, between subject and object. Everything with the means of art: painting and installation.

Alina Manole, Corina Sarbu, Cornelia Gherlan, Daniela Zbarcea, Daniel Craciun, Eugen Vasile Iovan, Florica Andreescu, Mirela Iordache, Nadina Pascariu and Valeria Diaconu the artists of this project, laid out and made all the works of the Loneliness exhibition in 2012, when they got together for work, during a few sessions of brainstorming. The result of this coordinated action is a diversified , but consistent exhibition.

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