
Four useful tips for selling your house

When you want to sell your house, apart from the price, there are some aspects that you have to pay attention to so that your property does not sit too long on the market.

First impression weighs the most

1. When you choose to put your house up for sale on the real estate sites, you will have to take a  series of pictures. A messy interior will not lead to a transaction anytime soon.

2. Be patient, do clean the house and remove any objects from pictures that could clutter the picture. Take pictures in daylight, and if you feel that you're not good at this, ask a friend to help you.

Do not overdo descriptions

3. Many real estate ads contain information that do not correspond with reality. Close to subway, luxury furnished, recently renovated — are things that can be proved immediate for the future owner.

Ask the right price and do not refuse customers

4. No matter how much you want to get from your home, you should know and ask them right price.

All buyers expect to negotiate, so this step is very important to reach the right price. But, pay attention to this, as the potential buyers may become suspicious of you and your property.

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