
Discover the first cob castle in Romania

In Fagaras mountains, in a valley called The Valley of the Fairies, a family is building the first castle made entirely of natural materials: cob, straw and stone. It looks like a castle from the Romanian fairytales or perhaps like one of those hobbit houses.

The owners, Razvan and Gabriela Vasile, started building the castle in 2014, wih the help of architect Ileana Mavrodin.

The castle is going to be a hotel and it is already very popular among turists who come to take pictures. The 10 rooms of the future hotel will not have any modern fittings, only natural charm.

The castle will also have a restaurant where only local food will be served. The castle will have it’s official opening by the end of the year.

You can see the progress of the construction works on the castle’s Facebook page. 

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