
Make your guests feel like home

First of all, you need to know when they come around, in order to prepare them the most relaxing and appeased space ever.

 Yet, the guest room has to be not only comfortable, but also elegant. There are millions of ways in which you can design it.

  Just take a second and choose a style closer to your preferences (since it is your house), but one which you think your guests will cherish.  And, one important thing is: don’t forget about the budget!

 The center piece of the every room is the bed. My recommendation would be to take into consideration a double bed, made from quality wood. Also, the mattress has to be strong and comfortable.

 For bedspreads, linens and other tapestries or materials, go for pale shades and warm colors. They are easily appreciated by every guest you might have due to their relaxing and welcoming atmosphere.

 Another tip refers to colors. Avoid using many colors. Limit yourself to two hues or different shades of the same color. Moreover, the curtains and the draperies must come in the same line with the rest of the room and they need to offer intimacy to your company.

 The furnishing must be as simple as possible, its most important feature being the storage space. Don’t forget to put chairs and armchairs. Your guests love to lust in one of those.  



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