
Gusturi bogate si experiente culinare inedite: Bucataria Romaneasca Reinterpretata @ Chefs

In fiecare joi, incepand cu ora 18:00 la Chefs Floreasca, bucataria romaneasca va primi un adevarat upgrade al gusturilor. Restaurantul iti propune sa experimentezi traditii culinare romanesti sub o forma total neasteptata, care o sa te surprinda in cel mai placut mod. Deja cunoscutele bucate romanesti vor fi reinterpretate, gatite intr-o nota avangardista si inovatoare. Un adevarat tribut adus gusturilor de altadata, dar intr-o varianta 2.0.

Pentru aceasta saptamana meniul romanesc reinterpretat va contine:

1. Fulgi de Slana cu Mamaliguta si Trufe 150gr – 15lei

Lardo served with Polenta and Truffles

Slana face parte din bucataria traditional romaneasca, reprezentand pentru o parte din taranii romani, in trecut dar si acum, hrana de baza. Fulgii delicati se impletesc cu mamaliguta, dar si cu gustul intens si plin de savoare al trufelor, aceste `diamante` ale padurilor noastre. Amestecul acesta inedit de arome este cu adevarat o desavarsire a gastronomiei traditionale reinterpretate.

Lardo is part of the Romanian cuisine, being for some of the Romanian peasants in the past but also now, the basic food. The gentle flakes are combined with the traditional polenta and with the intense and savory taste of the truffles, the Romanian forest’s `diamonds`. This unique blend of tastes is the real perfection of Romanian reinterpreted cuisine.

2. Burta de Porc crocanta cu Piure de Cartofi cu Ierburi si Sos Gulas 300gr – 33lei

Crispy Pork Belly with Mashed Potatoes with Herbs and Goulash Sauce

Vorba romaneasca “Cea mai buna legume-i porcu” este premise acestui preparat surprinzator si foarte delicios. O bucata strasnica de burta de porc, gatita sa fie crocanta, este insotita de un piure fin de cartofi imbogatit cu ierburi proaspete. Acest adevarat regal gastronomic, este completat de un sos gulas aprig. Toate aceste gusturi formeaza o hora spectaculoasa de savori.

The Romanian saying “There’s no better vegetable than pork” is the real premises of this truly surprising and delicious dish. A chunk of pork belly, crispy cooked, is joined by a fine potato puree with a bouquet of fresh greens. This regal feast is gently completed and perfected with a fiery goulash sauce. All of these are coming along in this spectacular dance of flavours.

3. Rasol de Miel servit cu Piure de Cartofi cu Ceapa Verde si Simfonie de Legume la Cuptor – 500gr 65 lei

Lamb Shank with Mashed Potatoes and Green Onion and Roasted Vegetables Symphony

Carnea frageda de miel este plina de savoare si este alegerea cunoscatorilor de gusturi fine. Acest preparat special este acompaniat de un piure fin de cartofi, imbogatit cu ceapa verde si cu o paleta bogata de legume la cuptor, o adevarata simfonie a gusturilor.

The full of flavor lamb meat it is the choice of fine tastes connoisseurs. This special dish is accompanied by a velvety potato puree, enriched with green onion and with a wide pallete of roasted vegetable, a real symphony of tastes.

4. Placinta de Mere cu Scortisoara, sferturi de Mar Caramelizat si Piure de Afine 150g 25lei

Apple pie with Cinnamon, Caramelized Apple quarters and Blueberry Puree

Placinta de mere cu scortisoara, un adevarat tribut culinar adus sarbatorilor de iarna primeste astazi un upgrade. Aroma intensa a bucatilor de mar caramelizate impreuna cu piureul de afine, creeaza o adevara explozie de gusturi, care te vor face sa mai vrei macar inca o portie.

The apple pie with cinnamon is a real culinary tribute to the winter holidays, but now it is at an upgraded version. The intense flavor of the caramelized apple pieces along with the fresh taste of blueberry puree, creates a real explosion of tastes, that will make you want at least one more plate.



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